Tuesday Treasures: Aeveka Skincare


I have to share my new favorite skincare line with you all, Aeveka. I am a huge fan of natural, organic products. After being in the fashion business for over 10 years, I have learned about so many unhealthy chemicals that are in our garments and like Ilona states below, they are also in our products (which is even scarier). Protecting our body on the inside and out should be one of our biggest goals…now we have a solution for the skin, Aeveka. I have been using Aeveka on my skin and absolutely love it!

The face wash has a citrus smell to it that I love.


The day creme is the perfect consistency and has a nice cucumber smell.


The enzyme treatment is amazing, you feel it right away. However, don’t be alarmed by your face turning red. This is the blood coming to the surface (which means it is working)


All of the products offered from Aeveka are amazing, I would highly recommend them! To see more products go to the website. www.aeveka.com

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Now we are going to get a behind the scenes look into starting this company, Ilona Landver- the owner is going to share more about it with us!

Tell us a little bit about your background:

I have been in the beauty industry for over 10 years. I started out as a massage therapist then got my esthetician license, followed by a nail technician license. I have a few more licenses under my sleeve. I am also a certified holistic health coach and certified yoga instructor. But I took everything I have learned, all my research & hard work and put it in to my main passion and focus, which is my Aeveka skincare line.

How did you start your company and why? 

I struggled with acne in my teenage years and had tried many different beauty lines. I would like one product from one line, another product from another line. But I couldn’t find one natural and pure product line from which I wanted to use ALL their products.

I always told myself that I would one day create a skincare line that is beneficial, natural and effective.

At that time I also had no idea that parabens, phthalates and formaldehyde (just to name a few) are so bad for us and YES, unfortunately they can be found in most skincare lines on the market today. Knowing what I know now about the harmful effects that cheap filler ingredients have on our bodies, helped me to start my own company, Aeveka, naturally pure

What is your company about?

Aeveka is about healthy, natural and pure skin products.  Aeveka skincare is made with natural and organic ingredients. Our products are not filled with harmful, heavy oils and water but rather with real fruits and vegetables. Our pure juices and green & red teas are cold pressed in order to keep their nutritional value.

What are the best and worst things about being a business owner?

Best: I get to work for myself & be my own boss, make my own decisions, be on my own time.

Worst: work for myself & be my own boss, make my own decisions, be on my own time – it’s a double edged sword sometimes! Being your own boss is great but it comes with A LOT of responsibility and at 5pm you don’t leave your work at work. I always take my work home with me, it’s always on my mind. But in the end, being a business owner is rewarding, especially when I hear my clients say how much their skin and lives have changed for the better and how much they appreciate my Aeveka products.

What are the things you like most about your career?

I love helping people, talking one-on-one with them, finding out what they’re all about. Most of my clients have become my very good friends.

What are some of your top sources of inspiration?

My top inspiration is my dear friend Eva Kovacs, who just recently passed away from cancer. We went to esthetician school together. She was older than me so I looked up to her a lot. She was always guiding and advising me. She was definitely a big, positive influence in my life which is why I named my skincare line after her nick-name “Aeveka.”

What is a typical day like?

Work, work, work! Now that I’m expanding my business with my new skin care line Aeveka, there are so many things to take care of. I’m looking forward to hiring a great big team to help me with this amazing skin care line!

What are some of your greatest accomplishments?

My greatest accomplishment is knowing that at the end of the day, I absolutely love what I do. That I have been working for myself for over 10 years and I’m now launching my very own amazing, natural skin care line “Aeveka!”

What would be your advice to someone wanted to start a business?

My advice to someone who wants to start a business is to be prepared for a lot of hard work. But it’s absolutely worth it if you’re doing something that you love and it helps others. It’s so rewarding!


What’s your philosophy of life?

Surround yourself with positive people in your life. Because without positive/supportive influences, life is really difficult. I wouldn’t have been able to start a second business without the help of my best friends and family. They are amazing.

I also believe in living life to the fullest. You never know what the next day will bring. I was always so cautious about starting my Aeveka skincare line and that’s why I didn’t start it sooner. I had a lot of IF this and IF that happening. But if there is no risk there is no reward. So I did it!

To buy products or learn more: www.Aeveka.com


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