Photographer Spotlight: Howard Robinson

It gives me great joy to highlight this amazing photographer. I started modeling at such a young age: Howard has been there with me from the beginning. He is a photographer that has always captured the most amazing shots! He is a industry veteran and a photographer that many brands/companies seek out for his expertise. I thought I would take you down memory lane and showcase different photos of me by Howard as well as showcase our “behind the scenes” interview with him!

Howard Robinson

Howard Robinson

What got you started in Photography?

A few years ago I was with my father at the local Buick dealership, my Dad was having his car serviced. I knew it would be a long wait, so I went into the loge area and picked up a Magazine. It just so happened to be a Vogue Magazine, the pictures were awesome!

After a few minutes, I heard a young lady’s voice behind me ask if I was a photographer (because I was looking at Vogue). I proceed to turn around to answer her question, when I did; I was blown away by her beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. You would have thought she stepped out of Vogue Magazine herself. I looked straight into her eyes and said “Yes” my name is Howard! Her name was Michelle; we talked for a while and setup a time to meet on the next weekend. So I went out the next day and bought a Camera!

Tosha Cole Clemens

Tosha Cole Clemens

What is your goal with Photography?

 In a simple way, I capture the look and feel of whatever I am shooting. I want the shot to draw your interest and for you to spend a moment thinking upon it and be happy.

What are your top sources of inspiration ?

 That is easy:  fashion, interior & exterior design, scenic beauty. Just look around you there is always something of the Arts that create a photo!

Tosha Cole Clemens

Tosha Cole Clemens

What do you enjoy the most about taking photos?

 It’s like a moment of time frozen for everyone to see and for me to share the experience. To work with the creative aspect of everything and everyone that is involved to get that shot. When we have it, you can see the happiness on our faces. It’s great, I love it!

Tosha Cole Clemens

Tosha Cole Clemens

What is a typical day like ?

Well if I don’t have a“honey due List “ then I start with black coffee and a danish, watch the sun hit the top of the trees as it starts the day. Check emails and returning calls. I do a lot of Photoshop work so I stay on top of that, both in the practice and the further education of art. There is always something new in Photoshop. With everything that I work on or with, (be it a model or product) I try to update my website or Facebook page. That’s when you know how many pictures you have taken because you have to change them out. 

Tosha Cole Clemens

Tosha Cole Clemens

What is your philosophy of life?

 Be humble about what you do, forget the ego, live and enjoy what you do! Listen! Be able to listen to the client, feel their passion for what they want and need, that is your job to accomplish with them. Learn from what you have done right as well as wrong, make it work, invent, and try something different. There is no book in your mind that says “don’t do that”. Have fun shooting, everyone should enjoy the shoot!

Tosha Cole Clemens- Age 20

Tosha Cole Clemens

Howard is a light that won’t stop burning, a photo that will never fade and an angle that will forever be captured in our hearts!

Tosha Cole Clemens

Tosha Cole Clemens

To see more of Howard’s work, go to:
